Oreo van Staden

Oreo van Staden

Oreo bring soveel ekstra liefde en vreugde. (ons het 6 ander honde ook) hy  smile vir alles, en wys sy tandjies heeltyd, al kry hy raas, hy is net ALTYD happy. Hy laat ons baie lag met al die snaakse en vreemde goed wat hy doen.

Mens wil hom net opvreet van oulikgeid.
Hy wil net heeltyd speel en volg ons orals.
Ons het nie gedink daar is  n leë plekkie in ons harte en huis nie, tot die dag wat ons oreo ontmoet het.

van Staden Familie


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Luna Fourie

Luna Fourie

Luna is n amazing hond!! Sy is vreeslik lief vir haat boeties en het baie vinnig aan gepas by hulle. Sy love dit om te gaan stap en om in die water te speel (sy is omtrent heeldag in die water). Sy maak ons lag met haar naskuurigheid en oulike dingetjies wat sy doen. Sy geniet dit baie om saam haar boeties te speel. Sy is baie slim en leer verskriklik baie vinnig. Sy kan al sit, poot gee en se Love you (met n soentjie) as ons ry.
Luna is n baie liefdevolle hond en wil net maaitjies wees met almal (mens of dier). In die begin was dit n groot aanpassing, vir haar, haar 2 boeties en ook self vir ons. Dit het n rukkiegevat vir haar om gewoont te raak aan als. Sy was in die begin n baie  bang hond en het weg gekruip as ander mense kom kuier, maar met n bietjie tyd en liefde het sy so mooi aan gepas en is nou glad nie meer bang nie. Ons is baie lief vir Luna en in die kort rukkie het sy baie diep in ons harte in geklim. N rescue hond straal net n ander tipe liefde uit wat mens nie kan verduidelik nie.
Fourie Family


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Jazz-Mint T McMagh heartbeat at my feet.

Jazz-Mint T McMagh heartbeat at my feet.

I’m in love with a child who was not born from me but born for me.
December 2020 was the beginning of what was to become the most beautiful chapter of my life. After what seemed a lifetime of paperwork and background checks, I was finally given my bundle of joy to bring home. She was tiny, and scruffy, she had teeth missing, she had fleas on fleas and ticks on ticks, was in dire need of love, a good bath and hugs and kisses.
Ever so slowly the fleas and ticks and knots and matting started disappearing and what was revealing itself was the cutest, bravest and most loving little girl we could ever have imagined getting. Over the months we started learning about each other’s habits and routines She was a terrible eater and wouldn’t eat anything if she was being watched. We started working around this and today she is able to eat in front of anyone at anytime and anyplace.  We discovered that she loved road trips and the car, she has become my constant companion on my road trips. We then found out that she is a born little runner, and slowly we introduced her to our morning runs, she has now become my running partner and is the one who motivates me to get up and get out.  
We dance together when we see each other, she jumps into my arms when I come home, and I’m made to feel like the most special and loved human in the world. We share one bed, she on her side and me on mine. She snores and keeps me awake at night. she loves tummy rubs and long hugs, she loves taking showers with me and licks the water that runs off her little nose while I’m washing her.
She gets the Zoom Zooms after I have washed her, and she scoots around the house like a bag of angry bees … She loves me unconditionally and I her. We are best friends and soul sisters, no words can describe the love and feelings she brings out in me, so I shall end this story with the following quote.
“And God said, I will send them without wings, so no one suspects they are angels…”
☝️ Renee McMagh 


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Ek het sopas terug getrek Gauteng toe vanaf Vrystaat en dis maar alleen by die huis. So sien ek op n vriendin se status n pragtige woefkind vir aanneming. Almal se altyd red n lewe! Ek het besluit toe om die proses te begin om die swart grys sharpe aan te neem.

Kontak die mense by Rustenburg SPCA en die bal is aan die rol. Ek word vertel ek moet haar eers kom ontmoet, so ek ry toe een saterdag oggend Rustenburg toe en gaan kuier by Ash.
Wow wat n oulike woef en ons het sommer dadelik n “connection”.
Amper tyd om haar te gaan haal en ek kry n oproep om te se Ash het siek geraak en moet nog so 3 weke bly haar kursus meds klaar te maak. Naby aan die tyd dat sy kan kom toe kry ek Covid. Ek reel toe met n vriendin om vir Ash te gaan haal. Uiteindelik is sy tuis en ons word lekker bederd. Mense al wat ek se is voor julle te duurste gaan betaal vir n hondekind besoek eers julle naaste SPCA. My ondervinding was amazing en daar is baie diere wat gered moet word. Die sad reality is dat al wil die SPCA al die diere versorg kan hulle nie. Dis hartverskerend.
Die staf by Rustenburg is awesome, hartsmense Charnelle, Marisa, hou aan wat julle doen. Ek haal my hoed af vir julle.

Ek dare almal om n lewe te red, julle sal nie spyt wees nie!


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Noah our Warrior

Noah our Warrior

He came with no name…
Found on the 25th of March next to the road with a rope around his neck left to die all alone..

Noah, as we decided to call him, was saved that day by our field officers Gena and Riaan and a chance to find love and a happy home
From the first day Noah arrived till his last day he was ALWAYS a happy little man, he never blamed us for anything that happened to him, never was angry because he was left to die, no all he did was give big hugs and tail wags whenever he saw us
For two Months Noah did so well, he loved all people, animals and children. He was loved by the community and has stolen so many hearts and captivated all the readers of our local newspaper at Rustenburg Herald
He was our famous little man sent from God.

One morning we noticed that something was not right, Noah was starting to drag his hind legs, the vet was called and Noah was rushed to Bergbos

Noah had a very old fracture that was now starting to act up because our little hero was gaining weight and was moving around more and more, he was starting to get active and enjoying life and his body was always used to him being weak.
He became paralyzed and the vets did whatever they could to make him as comfortable as best, but with all the medication received his kidneys started failing, for 3 full days, praying and believing, we really hoped he will make it, but the sad news came that we had to greet Noah because he was in too much pain. Just before we went to greet he also had a stroke. The best for our beautiful boy was to send him safely over the rainbow bridge., holding him and telling him he was the best ever and the most beautiful while he fell asleep..

Noah thank you for the best 2 months of awesome memories shared with you..
You were so loved and adored by so many people and we loved you so much.
You were an inspiration to all of us and we learned so much from you..
You taught us “no matter what obstacles come your way you get up and try and you try it with a smile, you keep on loving no matter what.”
We will forever remember Noah..
We will miss you with all our hearts and thank you for being our friend and for letting us get to know you..

Your place will be empty but you are free now and you have your forever home by our God…
Forever our Noah


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Help us keep these FurFriends warm and tummies full. By sponsoring a kennel you also help us in getting them a FurEver Home.